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Landmark College 体育运动 Blog

Indoor Soccer keeps winning!

The Landmark College Indoor Soccer teams are rolling as they enter the playoffs next week.  Indoor Soccer started the season as one large squad and then half way through split the squad to have two teams in the league.  The team creatively referred to as Landmark is in first place in their division at 3-2-1 and the Sharks are in 5th place, but only have a 1-1 record and showed promise as they won their last contest handily.  Indoor Soccer won the league last year and are excited for a repeat performance in 2017.  Led by Carolyn Hendry and Peter Ansay, the teams have overcome a rocky middle of the season and have molded together in every aspect of the game.

Coed Indoor Soccer's next games are Wednesday April 5th and include a series of matches that will determine the league champion.  Make the trip down to Indoor Action Sports next week, you won't regret it!

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